Test Reports
Temperature & Humidity tracking test in container transportation
Test Purpose: Recơrd the humidity in the container,with TOPSORB desiccants used, during the ocean voyage,judge the effectiveness of TOPSORB desiccants to protect the goods from moisture damage.

Test line & Date:
Voyage period:30 Days
Test Period: Start:2013-09-28 End 2013-11-08,Total40 Days
Loading Port: Shanghai, China
Destination Port: Santos.Brazil
Container Loading Date:2013-09-28
Sailing Date: 2013-09-30
Arrival Date: 2013-11-05

Tested Product:
Desiccant:Dry Dragon-1000②
Quantity: 6kg
Test Instrument:TESTO l74H1 Data logger (Germany Brand)③
Test analysis:
①During the whole ocean voyage, the relative humidity is controlled within 50% ~ 60% in the container.
②Humidity in the container goes to the opposite direction against temperature. When the temperature goes up, the humidity goes down at the same time;
For Reference: Mildew Degree Sheet
Temperature | Under 23℃ | 23℃ ~ 26℃ | 26℃ ~ 29℃ | 29℃ ~ 32℃ | Above 32℃ |
Humidity | <50% | 50% ~ 60% | 60% ~ 70% | 70% ~ 85% | >80% |
Vapore Pressure | <17hpa | 17hpa ~ 22hpa | 22hpa ~ 27.5hpa | 27.5hpa ~ 31hpa | >31hpa |
Mildew Degree | Very difficult to mildew | Difficult to mildew | Food easy to mildew | Easy to mildew | Very easy to mildew |
Test Conclusion:
Dry Dragon created a dry environment and destroyed the conditions the formation of mildew!